HomeTube Emulation

Tube Emulation VST Plugins

VPRE-72 – Vintage Tube Preamp Plugin

Fuse Audio Labs offers the VPRE-72, a free vintage tube preamp plugin that emulates the iconic preamps used in legendary recordings.It accurately captures the spirit of the original with faithful reproductions...

HoRNet Valvola – Realistic Tube Emulation Plugin

The HoRNet Valvola plugin offers a realistic emulation of vacuum tube sound, providing users with a variety of tube types including triodes and pentodes.Its main feature is the faithful reproduction of...

ToneLib TubeWarmth – a Gentle Tube Overdrive Plugin

The TL TubeWarmth plugin successfully bridges the gap between digital precision and the warm, vibrant character of tube-based effects.By adding even-numbered harmonics, it enriches the instrument's tone with depth and new...

Voxengo Tube Amp – Tube Warmer Plugin

The Voxengo Tube Amp plugin is a commendable free tool for professionals in sound and music production.Its versatility shines in its ability to produce sounds ranging from mild warmth to fuzzy distortion,...