
Distortion/Overdrive VST Plugins

Deep Fryer: a chicken themed free distortion plugin

Deep Fryer is a free dynamic distortion effect plugin with a playful chicken-themed interface. It offers detailed controls to shape and distort audio signals, supporting high-resolution 4K monitors.As a cross-platform plugin...

Warm Up Your Tracks with the Free Fat Cat Saturation Plugin

Fat Cat is a free tube saturation and distortion plugin from Vox Samples, designed to add color and warmth to vocals. It can also function as a distortion effect.Modeled and fine-tuned...

IVGI – a Versatile Saturation/Distortion Plugin

Klanghelm's IVGI stands out as a versatile saturation and distortion plugin, adept at both subtle and heavy processing.Its core sound, akin to the DESK mode in its sibling SDRR, adapts dynamically...

ToneLib TubeWarmth – a Gentle Tube Overdrive Plugin

The TL TubeWarmth plugin successfully bridges the gap between digital precision and the warm, vibrant character of tube-based effects.By adding even-numbered harmonics, it enriches the instrument's tone with depth and new...

ToneLib BassDrive – an Excellent Overdrive for Bass Guitars

The TL BassDrive plugin, inspired by a legendary drive pedal, expertly enhances the lowest guitar frequencies, making it a favorite in heavy music genres.It's not just for guitars; this versatile tool...

Voxengo Tube Amp – Tube Warmer Plugin

The Voxengo Tube Amp plugin is a commendable free tool for professionals in sound and music production.Its versatility shines in its ability to produce sounds ranging from mild warmth to fuzzy distortion,...

CamelCrusher Distortion and Saturation Plugin

CamelCrusher stands out as a versatile and powerful audio plugin, ideal for producers and engineers looking to add character to their mixes. It excels with its range of distortion effects, offering everything...